- Goods & Service Tax (GST)
- Customs
- Marketing Decision Making
- Income Tax
- GST Audit
- Income Tax Audit
- Cost Audit
- Management Audit
- Setting Up Internal Control Procedure
- Internal Audit
- Compliances Audit Under Companies Act
- Statutory Audit
- System Audit (Preparation of SOPs)
- Information System Audit
- GST, Service Tax, Excise, Customs
- Income Tax
- Drafting Replies & Appeals to Various Judicial Forum
- Representation Before All Judicial Forum
- Business Laws
- Corporate Law / Company Law
- Contract Drafting & Conveyancing
- Feasibility & Business Reviews
- Exploration of Alternatives and Profit Optimisation
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Assessment of Competitive Advantages
- Joint Venture and Collaboration
- Evaluating applicability of government incentives
- Formation of Company / LLP
- Registrations
- Operation
- Regulatory Compliances
- Fund Raising
- Strategic Planning
- Taxation Compliances
- Government Grants
- GST compliances
- Assistance in Departmental Audits
- Accounting Services
- Fixed Assets & Inventory Verification
- Legal Documentation Processing
- Export Promotion Schemes
- Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG)
- Duty Exemption Schemes
- Duty Remission Scheme
- Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)